What is Last Click Attribution?

Last click attribution is a model in digital marketing where all the credit for a conversion is given to the last touchpoint or channel that the customer interacted with before making a purchase or completing a desired action.

Pros and cons of last click attribution

Like all attribution models, last click attribution has both advantages and disadvantages. Here's a look at some of the reasons why you may (or may not) want to use this model for attribution.


Simplicity and Clarity: Last click attribution is easy to understand and implement. It provides a clear, unambiguous understanding of which channel drove the final decision, making it straightforward for marketers to attribute conversions.

Decision Point Focus: By focusing on the last interaction, this model highlights the channels that are most effective at sealing the deal, giving insight into what pushes customers over the line to make a purchase or conversion.


Undervalues Top of Funnel: Last click attribution tends to overlook the importance of the customer journey's earlier touchpoints. Initial awareness and consideration stages can play crucial roles in guiding a customer towards conversion but they get no credit under this model.

Inadequate for Complex Journeys: For businesses where customer journeys are long and involve numerous interactions across various channels, last click attribution might oversimplify the process and provide incomplete insights, making it challenging to fully understand and optimize the customer journey.