What is an Assisted Conversion?

An assisted conversion is a metric that identifies the number of times a particular channel or touchpoint contributed to a conversion, without being the final interaction.

This helps in understanding the value of different marketing channels in the customer journey, recognizing that multiple interactions often lead to a conversion.

What's an example of an assisted conversion?

Let's say that you're an internet marketer and you sell a course on how to run Facebook Ads. As part of your marketing funnel, you write various pieces of content about the subject on your blog.

Now imagine someone searches "how to properly structure a Facebook Ads campaign" and they land on one of your blog posts. After liking what they read, they read two additional posts and then they sign up for your email list.

A week later, you send out a broadcast email to your list announcing a 50% off sale on your Facebook Ads course. Lo and behold, the reader above purchases your course.

In this case, we can say that the initial blog post from organic search, plus the additional two posts, were assisted conversions. Even though the email blast was ultimately the final touchpoint that led to a conversion, each of the blog posts performed an assist.

Why are assisted conversions important?

If you were to simply look at the last touchpoint in a conversion funnel in isolation, you may miss out on other marketing activities that are leading to conversions.

Continuing on the example above, looking exclusively at the final touchpoint might lead you to over index on broadcast emails and promotions of your course.

However, when factoring in assisted conversions and taking a more holistic view, you would rightly conclude that you also need to focus on content marketing and SEO since they're ultimately leading to course sales as well.